Sexual Healing; 365 Days of Intimacy: Day 2

This will take about 5 minutes.

Go brush your teeth.  Yes you can see where this is going.

This is an exercise in kissing.

Start by holding each other’s hands in whatever way you find comfortable.  Do not let go until the end of this exercise.

Slowly lean in while looking into your partner’s eyes.  As soon as your lips meet close your eyes and keep them closed until the end.

Keep the pressure of your kissing light.

Without using any tongues, NO TONGUES!, gently kiss your partner paying attention to the say their lips feel.  Notice the pressure, whether it’s light or hard.  Notice the moisture of the lips and the texture.  Is it soft? Calloused or cracking?  If the pressure is heavier back up and enjoy the sensuality of the light kiss.

Continue this for at least 5 minutes.  Revel in the sensations and and intimacy.  Pay attention to how you feel, the smells in the room, the sounds as you kiss.  Make the experience about the senses.

Enjoy the intimacy of the light kiss.

Tomorrow: You need 30 minutes and some massage oil/lotion/body butter

Day After: You’re going to need 5 minutes in the morning, and 30 minutes at night.

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